Sélection en festivals internationaux de L’Ordre des choses

Le film documentaire L’Ordre des choses, réalisé par Ramona Badescu et Jeff Silva a été sélectionné à deux festivals internationaux de film ethnographique : Kratfest et OKO Festival. Nous sommes donc heureux d’annoncer sa projection lors du Kratfet, Festival international du film documentaire ethnologique de Kratovo (Kratovo, Macédoine), entre les 26 et 28 septembre 2023.

L’ordre des choses fait également partie de la sélection des films en compétition du Oko et sera projeté lors de ce Festival international du film ethnographique (Sophia, Bulgarie) du 1er au 7 octobre 2023.

A propos du Kraftfest
The International Festival of Ethnological Documentary Films „KRATFEST” was established in 2012 with the fixed location in Kratovo, Macedonia. The substantial and formal borders of the Festival are shaped by two prominent ethnological/antropological organisations in Macedonia: the Macedonian Ethnological Society in Skopje and the City Museum of Kratovo. In 2022 the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Poland joined as the third co-organisator of KRATFEST. 

A propos du Oko
Oko is a festival that unites filmmakers with people. It is a holiday of ethnographic, anthropological documentary and other types of films. It is a place where you can see and feel the heartbeat of small and large peoples, communities, villagers and citizens. At the same time, it is also a platform where filmmakers, folklorists and ethnographers can meet and find out more about each other, share their ideas and, possibly, arrange future mutual projects. It is the reason why the festival will be informal. There will be no red carpets; nevertheless there will be awards and prizes.